Member Info
Company Name :
Messe Muenchen Shanghai Co., Ltd.
Address :
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Industry :
Introduction :
transport logistic China is the leading trade fair for logistics, mobility, IT and supply chain management in Asia. As the Asian version of the world's largest trade show – transport logistic, transport logistic China is always the right place for product release, exchange of learning, business and networking.
Dedicated to the logistics industry for 20 years, transport logistic China managed to build a comprehensive face-to-face communication platform. In 2024, transport logistic China will await all peers with 50,000 sqm exhibition space, where 700+ exhibitors and 30,000 visitors and buyers will gather to showcase the entire spectrum of logistics services, logistics real estate, logistics equipment, fresh logistics, air cargo, road & railway transportation, ports & shipping logistics, smart logistics, special purpose vehicle.
Established Date :
Contact Person :
transport logistic China
Job Title :
E-mail :
Telephone :
49 89 949 20277
Fax number :
49 89 949 20279