Member Info
Company Name :
RX Greater China
Address :
15F, Tower A, Pingan International Finance Center No. 1-3, Xinyuan South Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100027, P.R.China
City / State / Province :
Country :
Postal Code :
Web Site :
Industry :
Machinery & Industrial Supplies
Introduction :
ALUMINIUM CHINA brings together high-quality resources from the aluminium industry and end-use applications at home and abroad to comprehensively display innovative technologies and products. We actively promote the synergistic development of the upstream and downstream of the industry, expand business opportunities, and jointly draw a new path for the sustainable development of the global aluminium industry.
Contact Person :
Caroline Wang
Job Title :
International Asst. Marketing Manager
E-mail :
Telephone :
Trade EventsEvent
Caroline Wang
ALUMINIUM CHINA is the largest aluminium industry exhibition and B2B platform in Asia. We bring together high-quality resources from the aluminium industry and end-use applications at home and abroad to comprehensively display innovative technologies and products. We actively promote the synergistic development of the upstream and downstream of the industry, expand business opportunities, and jointly draw a new path for the sustainable development of the global aluminium industry.