Trade EventsEvent
7th Edition of the International Food & Technology Exhibition - 31 May - 03 June 2010
Haleema Desai
International Food & Technology Exhibition -IFTECH Pakistan is a comprehensive food and food technology show that will deliver new international ideas and best practices to enhance the productivity of food related industries.
7th Edition of the Internaitonal Plastic & Packaging Industry Exhibition
Mohammad Aamir
The Internaitonal Plastic & Packaging Industry Exhibition (PLASTI&PACK Pakistan) has established itself as an important platform for displaying state-of-the-art machinery, materials & process innovations under one roof.
8th International Exhibition for Energy Industry ?POGEE
Qudsia Rafique
POGEE is the premier Energy event of the region collocating Oil & Gas Pakistan and Power Technology Pakistan. it serves as a convergence point for national and international companies to explore business opportunities in Pakistan.
6th International Fire & Security Exhibition & Conference
Naviela Arshad
The 6th International Fire & Security Exhibition & Conference will address multi-dimentional safety and security needs of the region. The exhibition will showcase a wide array of products by leading international and domestic manufacturers, traders and integrators.
5th Information & Communications Technology Exhibition & Conference
Fizza Rizvi
5th Information & Communications Technology Exhibition & Conference (Connect 2010) is poised to bring forth international suppliers & local vendors to generate ICT business in the region.